Are you always busy?

Would you love to have more hours in a day?

Here’s how we make more time…

Step 1: Know thy enemy (a.k.a your biggest time wasters!)

Do you find yourself scrolling through random things all the time?

I didn’t realize how much time I wasted on “breaking news” and random cake decorating videos!

Or keeping up with email.

Or going down the internet research rabbit hole.

Or saying “yes” to things that I didn’t actually want to do.

Or switching from task to task to task — and getting NO WHERE.

Truth? You are wasting so many hours.

On things that don’t really matter.

On distraction.

On scrolling.

Another truth? SO MANY PEOPLE do this.


How do we stop it?

How do we get control of our time back?

Do the Time Audit Challenge.

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What’s a time audit?

Simply put, you track your time. On paper. For 3 days.

Why do a time audit?

Most of us overestimate or underestimate how we spend our time.

The time audit reveals it all.

The only way to create more time is
to see what the problem really is.

To reveal how you really spend the time that is gifted to you.

It’s so simple, yet everybody skips this step and jumps right into productivity hacks.

Give it a try and see what you learn about how you really spend your time.

Then what? What’s next?

Step 2. Decide.

After 3 days, look at your time audit data and decide:
- What do I want more of?
- What do I want less of?
- Am I willing to make the swap?

That’s it. Two steps. Know your time sucks, and decide if you want to swap in something better.

You don’t need a fancy productivity planner.

You just need to see how you’re spending your time, and decide 1 thing to swap out.

Sign Up to Get Started.

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How is this solution different?

(1) It’s easy. You don’t have to make any big changes. In fact, you don’t have to make any changes AT ALL for the first 3 days. Just track your day, exactly how you spend it now.

(2) It’s simple. You don’t need a vision board or fancy planner. You swap out 1 change at a time.

It’s like decluttering your closet.

You don’t have to take everything single dang thing out of your closet. You could just take 1 thing out at a time and decide as you go.

“But, Pearl — I don’t have time to do a time audit!”

Warning: this challenge is not for everyone.

Creating time is not for the faint of heart.

This audit is only for high achievers who want to take responsibility for their time, create more of it, and are ready to put pen to paper.

(P.S. If you think you don’t have time, how much more time will it cost you by NOT doing a time audit??)

“But, Pearl — I already have a schedule and there just aren’t enough hours in the day!”

If you don’t like your schedule, focus on deciding what to swap out.

There may be tradeoffs — so either decide to like what you’ve planned, or plan what you like.

No matter what, the power of time is YOURS.

Not anyone else’s.

If you’re ready to take back control of your time today, download your free Time Audit Challenge and let’s get started!

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