Moms: You are allowed to take up space in your own life
I hear this often from mom friends and mom clients who are not prioritizing their own needs, their health, and their goals:
“I put myself last.”
“Everyone else comes first.”
“There are other more important things to do.”
“I should be more productive with something else.”
“Let me just do XYZ first before I eat/journal/sleep.”
In the most loving way: STOP.
In the most loving way again: STOP. STOP. STOP.
Stop self-sacrificing: “I give up this so they can have that.”
Because that shit isn’t sustainable when it comes to sleep, nutrition, rest, and play.
Short-term sacrifice to get through a launch or an event is one thing.
But if it’s your everyday life, STOP.
Stop being the martyr: “Well if I don’t do it, no one else will.”
If no one else will do it and it’s not adding anything to your life, either STOP, or change the story to one that doesn’t paint you as the victim.
There is no benefit of putting yourself in victimhood, unless you want pity points.
Stop saying yes to inconsequential noise that comes at the cost of your well-being: “Yes, I can do that [on my lunch hour/stay up late/cram it into my day].”
Everyone will ask you for a piece of your time and attention.
You do not have to give it to them just because they asked for it.
You are allowed to take up room in your own life.
You are allowed to say no.
You were not put on this earth to only serve others 100% of the time.
This is YOUR life.
You have permission to work on yourself, to rest, and to stop putting yourself LAST.
You do not have to sacrifice sleep and nutrition in order to give everyone a magical life.
Give yourself a magical life first, and then EVERYTHING around you grows.
Need help taking your life back? I’m Pearl - a certified life coach and Reiki Master practitioner who gets a lot done in her day, without sacrificing sleep or self-care. I help mom solopreneurs prioritize and get their lives back into balance. We start with a discovery session and you can get on my calendar here. Let’s start, mama.