How to create an unforgettable new year
Want an amazing 2022?
“Sign me up!!”
SIGN ME UP for a piece of that!
Want to plan, be disciplined, follow through, and manage your time, mindset, and energy?
“Yeah, PASS.”
Planning? Ew.
Sure, you could WAIT for an amazing year to just fall into your lap.
That happens…um….totally allll the time.
Or you can GUARANTEE that you have an unforgettable, amazing 2022 with ALL THE THINGS that you want for yourself!
This advice is for people who want the Guaranteed Amazing Year.
People who are ready to take responsibility for their lives and their results.
People who are willing to put in the work of personal growth and development.
People who are able to set aside time and resources for their next evolution.
If that’s not you, go ahead and bookmark this post for next year when you’re ready to change your life.
But if you’re ready for an amazing year…here’s how we do it.
Step One, go grab a piece of paper.
List out 25 things that you’d love to do in 2022.
Don’t skimp.
Don’t stop after 2 minutes.
25 things you’d love to do in 2022.
DREAM, my friend.
Then dream bigger.
Then dream BIGGER.
Keep going with your list.
…What would make this year an amazing year?
…What would make it unforgettable?
…What have I always wanted to do “someday” that I could ACTUALLY do this year?
…Where do I want to go this year?
…What do I want to see this year?
…Who do I want more of in my life this year?
What else?
What else?
What else?
Then take a moment to marvel at your 25 ideas.
Is it filling you with possibility? Joy? Fear and doubt? No worries – whatever’s coming up for you is normal, no matter what it is.
Step Two, get your pen ready....
Answer this: what TWO things from your list that would make 2022 amazing and unforgettable?
We’re talking about LIFE SIGNIFICANCE here, people.
Like how when I think about 2012 and 2014 - they’re unforgettable for me because my kids were born.
You want to do THAT with your top 2 things.
You want to be like, “Oh 2022! That was the year that I did ________!!!”
Circle the top 2 things from your list of 25.
And now?
Spend the first 6 months of 2022 making your #1 goal come true:
1.Define exactly what the goal is:
What’s the goal?
How will I know when I’m done?
What’s the result I’ll have?
When will I have the result by?
2. List out the steps to take to make your goal a reality:
You could start with the first 3 things to do. Or work backward – start from the end and work your way to the beginning steps.
3. Put the steps on your calendar:
Estimate how much the first 2-3 steps will take, and then put them on your calendar. You can schedule however much or however little time you want, depending on your calendar availability.
4. Start the work:
When your calendar says to do something, follow through and do the work. It might feel like it’s not enough action, or it might even feel mundane – do it anyways. Every step towards your goal is a step in the right direction – no matter how big or small.
When you’re finished with Goal #1, repeat the same process with the next 6 months of 2022 for Goal #2:
Define your goal
Plan the steps of your goal
Calendar the steps
Follow through with weekly progress
What if I finish my first goal early?
Perfect! Start on your second goal!
What if I finish both goals early?
Even better! Go back to your list of 25 and choose your next goal!
What if my first goal takes more than 6 months?
Perfect! You always get to decide if you want to keep it going for the next 6 months, or to switch gears to something else?
But my recommendation? Keep taking action until you achieve your goal (as long as it’s still important and relevant to you). Keep taking massive action until you create the result you want.
If you’ve made it this far and have a list in hand, know that you’ve made it further than most people.
Nice work!
Planning your goals is an important step. Serial, high-achieving goal getters do this consistently.
What else do serial, high-achieving goal getters do consistently?
Showing up and following through.
Seeing the steps is easy, doing the work is hard.
Not always hard, but there WILL be days that you don’t feel like doing something.
There WILL be days that want to make excuses and procrastinate.
What do we do when we want to procrastinate and avoid working on our goals?
I call it Butt In Chair.
As in, get that Butt In Chair and do the work.
Butt In Chair and write that book.
Butt In Chair and get that business started.
Butt In Chair and learn French so you can travel to France and order that croissant in a cafe.
Actually doing the work of CREATING the unforgettable year is not for the faint of heart.
Creators put in the time.
Creators put in the energy.
Creators don’t quit.
Why? Because we know there is MAGIC on the other side.
We created SOMETHING from NOTHING.
We turned an IDEA into REALITY.
And once you see how powerful it is to create things in your universe – it is rewarding and becomes ADDICTIVE.
So? Ready to create something unforgettable? Ready to turn your ideas in reality?
Go grab a pen and paper.
Get started.
Need help achieving your goals and following through on these plans? I’m Pearl and I can help! I’m a certified life coach and I help busy entrepreneurs create the life they want. We can start with a free discovery call: one hour to talk all about YOU and what you want to accomplish! Click here to get on my schedule - I’d love to talk to you!
Hi! I’m Pearl and I’d love helping entrepreneurs!