Health Coaching for Busy Entrepreneurs
Running a business doesn’t mean running yourself into the ground.
Let’s rebuild your energy, one habit at a time.
Systems designed for accountability + consistency.
Hey, there! I’m Pearl, your accountability coach for health + wellness.
What I love: Making accountability simple + systematic.
My coaching philosophy: Progress, not perfection.
“I know WHAT to do — I’m just not doing it.”
Sound familiar? It’s what I hear so often from clients.
They’re overwhelmed.
They’re inconsistent.
They stop prioritizing health when work get busy.
If this is you, no worries (and no judgments). Everyone makes resolutions to eat better and work out more, but very few actually do. According to researchers 23% of people quit their new year’s resolutions by the end of the first week!
So what can we do about that? It can’t be that you’re not smart enough.
Everyone KNOWS what to do. You just need the accountability, support and mindset to actually DO it with consistency.

No matter where you are — I got you, friend.
I’ve coached over 5,500 sessions — which means I have heard it ALL. From overwhelmed moms. Burnt out physicians. Stressed out execs. Struggling artists.
I’ve helped someone just like you to feel better and reclaim their energy.
My habit-changing methodologies have worked with people from all over the world, from all walks of life. If you want it, let’s go get it.
Just like investing money compounds interest and builds wealth, investing in your habits IS what builds your health and wellness.
If you’re ready to start compounding your health, let’s get started.
What gets in the way of healthy habits?
Depends on your main Profile Type:
“Between work and the kids — there’s just too much to do.”
“I don’t even know where to start.”
“I just can’t get it all done.”
“By the time we get home for the day, I’m just exhausted.”
“I’ve never been able to do it before.”
“I’ve tried everything and I can’t get myself to do it.”
“What if it doesn’t work for me?”
“It’s impossible to stick to a healthy diet.”
“I just don’t have the time!”
“I have so much going on!”
“I’m just so busy and all over the place and I forget to do it!”
“I keep getting pulled in different directions!”
“F*ck it!”
“WHATEVER - I’m NOT doing this today.”
“Screw it. I deserve a treat after the day I’ve had.”
• Surgeons • Teachers • College Professors • Attorneys • Managing Partners • Busy Moms + Dads • Yoga Studio Owners • HR Executives • Construction Company Owners • Female Founders • ER Physicians • Fitness Company CEOs • Reality TV Contestants • Reiki Business Owners • Tech Company Execs • Dentists • Orthopedic Surgeons • Pediatricians • Hospital Administrators • Life Coaches • Dating + Relationships Coaches • Weight Loss Coaches • Finance Coaches • Business Coaches • Bakery Owners • Authors • Writers • Artists • Actors • Interior Designers • Accountants • Financial Planners • IT Professionals • Realtors
Productivity • Procrastination • Overwhelm • Perfectionism • Analysis Paralysis • Weight Loss • Meal Planning • Intuitive Eating • Keto • Macros • No Sugar No Flour Protocols • Overeating • Undereating • Debt • Starting a Business • Closing a Business • 6-Figure Money Goals • 7-Figure Money Goals • Leaving a Corporate Job • Body Image • Wrinkles • Butt Too Big • Butt Too Small • Fear of Failure • Fear of Success • Scarcity • Abundance • Fear of Being Seen • Fear of Judgment • How to Eat Less • How to Drink Less • Get More Sleep • Stop Snoozing the Morning Alarm • Sweet Tooth • Popcorn + TV Habit • Overcoming Urges + Cravings • Frustration with Kids • Dating • Divorce • Infidelity • Bickering with Husband • Fighting with Teenage Daughter • New Bosses • Old Bosses • Coworkers • All or Nothing Mentality
“Pearl is a wonderful coach, compassionate, open and fun. She provides such a gentle space for her clients to process their thoughts and emotions, without judgment. She easily helped me shift my perspective around a challenging topic with her pointed and curious questioning. I highly recommend her.”
“I had an amazing experience with Pearl. She coached me about being worried about my next steps when I was getting ready to launch my only child to college. She helped me drill down to the core of the issue - that if I didn’t figure out my business, and “all the things” before my daughter left, that I was going to be sitting in my house alone, in my bathrobe, all day! Once I realized that wacky (and unrealistic) belief was what was hanging out in the background, I could start exploring different thoughts and beliefs. Both my college student and I are thriving today. Pearl is excellent at holding great (and calm) space and really getting to the heart of the issue. ”
“I love every session with you!”
“Pearl is a wonderful coach. I'd worked with a lot of coaches in group programs, but was looking for a coach to work with one on one to help me come to center and connect with how I wanted to move forward in my life and business. I had the chance to experience Pearl's coaching and right from the start I loved her energy and felt so comfortable and supported in her presence. I knew I wanted to coach with her.
What makes Pearl stand out from so many coaches is how deeply she listens - She really hears what you're communicating from the heart and helps you to distill that message and connect with it. Instead of offering a set plan for you, she helps you draw out your own inner guide and really supports you in following that unique path.
I highly recommend Pearl to anyone who wants to clean up their energy and get more connected with themselves to move forward in life & business in a way that feels genuine and aligned for them. She's also an excellent coach for business owners who want to experience more spaciousness and ease in life and business.”
“Your coaching was magic.”
How I Help Build Habits with Clients
ANY person can start ANY thing on ANY day.
It doesn’t need to be Monday. Or the 1st of the month.
Just start by starting.
Let’s get you fired up, and believing that you can take the first step!
Once your motivation wanes and reality sets in, this is where your deeper work begins. Habits are formed through repetition. Those reps get mundane and challenging - especially when you can’t see results yet!This is where most people quit.
This is where coaching comes in.
We’ll cultivate the skills you need + qualities like Commitment, Perseverance, Determination, Patience, Ease and Fun. You’ll practice how to “Do What Needs Doing”— i.e. whatever it takes to build your capacity to get to the other side.
Welcome to the land of automaticity! Your new habits are becoming more automatic + you’re getting results!
You’ll feel SO CONFIDENT that you’ll be ready to start another habit. And another. And another! Your behavior is totally in your control.
It’s possible for you to get here with any habit.
Speaking of habits…this used to be me:
❌ No energy to work in my business.
❌ Not getting enough sleep (and snoozing my alarm 4-5 times EVERY morning).
❌ Chronically procrastinating my business to-do list.
❌ I wondered why my peers could be productive in their businesses — but I couldn’t do it myself.
And here’s me now…
✔ Consistently wake at 4:45 am, even on weekends
✔ Daily strength training + cardio workout
✔ Meditation + journaling regularly
✔ Intense productivity
✔ All while having 2 jobs, 2 kids, and building a business! (And still sleeping 8 hours…)
How did I go from helpless + hopeless to success?
By stacking habits continuously.
Is Coaching Right For You?
Here’s how you’ll know that working with me is a good fit. The clients that vibe with my approach typically have these things in common:
✔️ You’re already an over-achiever in other areas of your life.
✔️ You’re ready to prioritize your health.
✔️ You’re already an A+ student and love personal development.
✔️ You want habit change without feeling overwhelmed.
✔️ You’re open-minded and open to new ways of thinking.
✔️ You want to feel less pressure from needing to “do it all” — but also, you want to do it all!
✔️ You want sustainable change, not quick fixes.
✔️ You want an experienced coach for accountability, support, and has a proven roadmap.
✔️ Also, you like free stuff!
“Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change.”
How do I know if this will work for me?
You don’t! But if you don’t TRY, then it DEFINITELY won’t work for you. If you don’t succeed, don’t let the reason be because you never even started.
The process is proven, and repeatable. I’ve added habit after habit after habit. I promise you that I am not some unicorn. If I can change, anybody can change.
As long as you have a human brain, you can change. All brains are plastic and malleable and can learn new things. All brains have neurons that grow every day. I believe all my clients’ brains can learn new things. So let’s see what kind of rewiring your brain is capable of.
I’m busy. How much time will this take every day?
That’s kind of like asking, “I want to build wealth. How much money will that take?”
It depends — how wealthy do you want to be? If you want to build serious wealth, you invest consistently…over years…and never stop.
Building health and wellness is just like that. If you want to build health, you invest consistently…day by day…and never stop.
You’d be surprised by how much you’ll get out of a nominal amount of time invested in your health. Your body WANTS to be healthy and efficient. Drink water. Give it vegetables. Give it sleep. Give it movement. You’ll have a pretty happy body just from those simple things. However simple or complicated you want to make it is up to you.
My coaching is most helpful for people who want to figure out a way to make health sustainable, and are ready to figure out how to do it.

“Everything in your life is a reflection of a choice you have made. If you want different results, make different choices.”
About Pearl
Maybe you’re wondering why you should be listening to ME about habits and accountability. Fair enough!
I let my track record speak for itself. I’ve found the secret to making habit change simple, repeatable, and rewarding!
I continuously up-level my skills and consistency in my own life ALL the time. Here are some of my past and current habits (*currently still doing):
Wake at 4:45am, even on weekends*
Sleep 7-8 hours nightly*
Strength training daily*
Foam roll daily*
Stretch daily*
Drink 64-100 ounces water daily*
Take fish oil daily*
Take iron daily*
Take Vitamin D daily*
Take probiotics daily*
Work in my business daily*
Meditation, Reiki or journaling daily*
Reading non-fiction weekly*
Korean skincare routine: Applying niacinamide serum daily*
Korean skincare routine: Applying retinol weekly*
Korean skincare routine: Applying BHA weekly*
Korean skincare routine: Applying snail mucin serum weekly*
Skincare routine: Applying rosehip oil daily*
Beauty routine: Applying castor oil to eyebrows nightly*
Beauty routine: Applying Frownies to my forehead wrinkles weekly*
75 Hard
No sugar for 75 days
No flour for 75 days
Follow a ketogenic diet and maintain nutritional ketosis with ketones above 0.5 mmol/L
Binaural naps for 30 days
Macros for 30 days
“Talk to Camera Challenge” for 30 days
Nervous system tap massage for 30 days
“Pantry Challenge” minimal grocery spending for 60 days
Worked on my split for 45 days
10k steps for 30 days
(And I’m still going to figure out rotating in ukulele, piano, roller skating, and learning Thai…)
It’s not a fluke that I consistently built DOZENS of habits. It’s a proven process that I use on myself and with my clients.
My advice to optimize your health + wellness that’s simple + sustainable:
▶️ Start now now now. (NOW!)
▶️ Get coaching for fastest results.
▶️ Repeat.
▶️ Never stop.